With the festive season now firmly in the rear view mirror and the foundations in progress for some other major web based projects and initiatives, it’s time to welcome the New Year and get the ball rolling again in the land of the TractorHawk. I hope you and yours had a great holiday season and that you were afforded enough time to keep track of an incredibly busy festive football program.
We have lots to catch up with on both sides of the football universe as it applies to this blog, so over the next few days I’ll publish a few quick reviews of some of the major events that transpired in the Premier League, Championship, and NFL. And we can throw in anything else anyone might like to discuss. So if you have something you want to read or argue about, hit the comments below and we’ll get going.
I mentioned some ‘other’ projects at the beginning of this article. There will be more details to follow but I have been working on a few ideas for some subject themes for BlueHawks as we move into January and beyond. A couple that I’ll mention right now include a regular “Legends” series that will profile a player, coach, manager, or team of particular interest to this site. Most likely the focus will be on football (UK and US) and I have some basic guidelines established. But like everything else on my site I’m always open to feedback and requests to add to the agenda.
Another exciting component that I plan to add shortly are soccer products and merchandise reviews where Blue Hawks & Tractors will provide unbiased articles profiling some of the latest and greatest products from a leading web based company. More to follow very soon as we wrap up the final details.
I will be sure to keep everyone updated so keep an eye out for further announcements and a whole series of new articles over the coming days.
Looking forward to a great 2009 in the TractorHawk sporting world, even if the Town don’t go up….Cheers All!!